T.H. Phone Home
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:29 am
T.H. Phone Home [tee eych fohn hohm]
1. An acoustic band, consisting of 2 Forum members of the Tally Hall Forums: ozmacity (Guitar, Vocals, Whistling, *Horowitzing) and ChubbyChao (Vocals, **Mooning, Occasional *Horowitzing), that covers songs by Tally Hall; follows suit with the band whom they cover by adorning their neckular regions with solid color ties, brown and teal, respectively; their music available for audio entertainment via popular site Myspace.
*Horowitz [hawr-uh-wits, hor]
-intransitive verb Horowitzed, Horowitzing, Horowitzes
1. To impersonate Andrew Horowitz, green tie and pianist of Tally Hall, by imitating his voice
**Mooning: to personify Earth's satellite through deep vocalization
not to be confused with the exposure of one's buttocks in public as a prank or disrespectful gesture
1. An acoustic band, consisting of 2 Forum members of the Tally Hall Forums: ozmacity (Guitar, Vocals, Whistling, *Horowitzing) and ChubbyChao (Vocals, **Mooning, Occasional *Horowitzing), that covers songs by Tally Hall; follows suit with the band whom they cover by adorning their neckular regions with solid color ties, brown and teal, respectively; their music available for audio entertainment via popular site Myspace.
*Horowitz [hawr-uh-wits, hor]
-intransitive verb Horowitzed, Horowitzing, Horowitzes
1. To impersonate Andrew Horowitz, green tie and pianist of Tally Hall, by imitating his voice
**Mooning: to personify Earth's satellite through deep vocalization
not to be confused with the exposure of one's buttocks in public as a prank or disrespectful gesture